Pre-Kindergarten Program

Our Pre-Kindergarten Program is designed to help children turning four by December 1st prepare for Kindergarten. Necessary skills and concepts are taught through in-depth studies with engaging activities. Emergent readers and writers are provided many opportunities to develop their abilities in a print rich environment. Phonemic awareness is incorporated into the classroom themes and is taught in a meaningful way. Math is taught through the use of manipulatives and hands-on games. Children’s literature that incorporate math concepts are infused into the curriculum so that children learn that math concepts are a part of their daily life.

The Discoveries Curriculum takes a comprehensive approach to teaching. As children are at “work” and “play” in the learning centers, they are actively involved in Science, Math, Language, Art and Social Studies activities which gives them a well rounded look at learning.

Pre-Kindergarten Curriculum

Journal Time
During journal time, children are invited to draw a picture about their lives in their own personal journals. The children are asked to think about real life events, which helps with memory, sequence and expressive language. In September, children draw a picture and dictate their words to the teacher, who prints them on their page. As the year progresses, children are encouraged and aided in writing their own thoughts in their journal. When students are given the opportunity to put their ideas down on paper independently they begin to build confidence in their writing skills as well as their phonemic awareness and letter recognition. Daily journal time is a great way for children to strengthen their pre-writing skills and share stories about themselves with their class.
Circle Time
In the Pre-Kindergarten class, circle time is an important part of the day. Children learn how to see themselves as an integral part of the classroom community. We discuss the calendar which helps with sense of time, sequencing, days of the week, patterning and much more. The class works on respecting one another by listening to each other and raising their hand for a turn to speak. Children’s literature is the key component to the curriculum themes. The class begins to delve deeper into the storyline of a book and can start to make predictions, sympathize with characters in the story and even imagine new endings. Circle time is a rich and engaging part of the day that strengthens cognitive and social skills.
Activity Time
During Activity Time, specific theme related projects are set out in each learning center. Children are given the opportunity to choose which activities they will participate in. This allows each child to work at their own pace and follow their individual interests. Children learn to manage their time, work independently and cooperate with their peers as they touch upon all of the content areas of study.
Open Centers
Open centers gives the pre-Kindergarten child an opportunity to choose from several learning centers in the room including: Language, Math, Science, Art, Block and Dramatic Play. In addition to building skills in each of the respective areas, children learn to make choices, build friendships, problem solve, work on fine and gross motor skills and expand their knowledge through play. During this time, children take control over their learning and are empowered to be independent thinkers.
Afternoon Activity
The afternoon activity gives the class the chance to reconvene as a group to wrap up the day. The type of activity varies from day to day and can range from art, science, math or music. It is a great way to finish off a busy, fun filled day together.

Pre-Kindergarten Skills


Language Arts:

  • Recognize and write name
  • Familiar with letters and sounds
  • Understand proper directionality
  • Cut without assistance
  • Verbally expresses complex thoughts
  • Memorize familiar songs
  • Expand attention span


  • Understand simple stages of life
  • Can describe attributes of objects
  • Understand early water concepts
  • Know the seasons and their characteristics


  • Count from 1-20
  • Use one to one correspondence to 5
  • Follow and creates simple patterns
  • Able to sort by various attributes
  • Begin to understand more or less
  • Recognize numbers 1-10
  • Understand positional words

Social Studies:

  • Develop respect for others
  • Build a sense of self-identity
  • Display increased responsibility
  • Identify roles in the community

Pre-Kindergarten Schedule

The Pre-Kindergarten Programs offers a 3, 4 or 5 day schedule.

Sessions: 9:30 a.m. – 12:15 p.m.

Daily Schedule

Journal Time

Circle Time

Activity Time

Math Activity

Bathroom and Hand washing


Open Centers

Language Activity

* Students attend Music, Gym, and Library each week!!!

Pre-Kindergarten Themes

All Around The World

“People of the World”
Developing an awareness and appreciation of likeness and differences

“Traveling Back In Time”
Delve into the way of life long, long ago

“Multicultural Study”
A study of Native-American culture and history

“Let’s Celebrate”
Enjoying celebrations from around the world

“Into the Arctic”
Uncover the mysteries of the Arctic region

“A Corner of the World”
An in-depth study of a specific area

“Out of this World”
Exploring the stars and solar system

“The Land Before Time”
Journey to the world of pre-historic creatures

“Into the Wild”
Embark on a fantastic Safari adventure

“Under the Sea”
Dive into ocean life