Preschool Program

Our Preschool Program is designed for children who are turning three by December 1st. It allows children to develop their curiosity and imagination through hands-on learning. Children are introduced to early academics such as colors, shapes, numbers and recognizing and writing their name through open and structured play. Preschoolers are given a variety of opportunities to develop friendships and social skills through dramatic play, cooperative learning and a curriculum that is centered on building community. The classroom routine allows children to move between quiet and active projects, as well as make choices which helps develop their sense of independence.

Preschool Curriculum

Journal Time
The preschool day begins with personal journals. Children are encouraged to draw a picture and dictate a story about their artwork. This develops fine motor skills and encourages descriptive language. Daily journal time is a great way for children to strengthen their prewriting skills and share stories about themselves with their classmates.
Circle Time
During circle time, children learn to how to interact with the teacher and their peers in a group setting. Children’s literature, poems and songs that are related to the curriculum are used during this key part of the day. Students work on building their attention span, strengthening listening skills, taking turns and speaking in front of others as they ask questions and engage in the enriching stories. They are introduced to many concepts including: calendar, counting, letter and number recognition and early reading skills. Circle time sets the stage for the activity time that follows.
Activity Time
This busy part of the preschool day is full of many types of hands-on learning experiences. This “work” time engages preschoolers in meaningful activities that build key skills and concepts. Children are invited to choose from several activities, each one focusing on a different learning area and related to the curriculum theme.
Open Centers
Open centers gives the preschool child an opportunity to choose from several learning centers in the room including: Language, Math, Science, Sensory, Block and Dramatic Play. In addition to building skills in each of the respective areas, children learn to make choices, build friendships, problem solve, work on fine and gross motor skills and expand their knowledge through play. During this time, children take control over their learning and are empowered to be independent thinkers.
Music and Movement
Music is a great way for children to express themselves, both vocally and physically. We use instruments, songs, finger plays and more to discover all about sound. Concepts such as rhythm, volume and beat are explored. Children are encouraged to get their whole bodies involved in music time as we try different types of dancing and movement. What better way to end a busy fun filled day of learning.

Preschool Skills

Language Arts

  • Recognize and write name
  • Hold a crayon/scissors correctly
  • Become familiar with letters
  • Display interest in books
  • Be able to speak in full sentences
  • Able to follow two-step directions
  • Expand attention span


  • Recognize and identify colors
  • Understand difference between
  • hot/cold
  • Identify types of weather
  • RunUnderstand cause/effectning


  • Count from 1-10
  • Recognize and identify shapes
  • Complete puzzles with multiple pieces
  • Able to sort by color
  • Begin to understand sequence
  • Begin to understand positional words
  • Build more acute spatial awareness

Social Studies

  • Develop an understanding of
  • community
  • Build friendships
  • Learn to work cooperatively
  • Identify roles in the community

Preschool Schedule

The Preschool Program offers a 3, 4 or 5 day schedule.


9:30 a.m. – 12:15 p.m.

Daily Schedule


Circle Time

Activity Time

Bathroom and Hand washing


Open Centers

Music and Movement

* Students attend Music, Gym, Library and Computers each week!!!

Preschool Themes

All Around Town

“Autumn, Autumn Everywhere”
Exploring fall changes

“Building Friendships”
Learning to work together and be a good friend

“Family Ties”
Gaining an understanding and respect for different types of families

“Celebrations in My Community”
Enjoy and share in each other’s traditions

“Winter Wonderland”
Explore seasonal changes and winter fun

“Who Are the People in Your Neighborhood?”
Learn about community helpers and their importance

“To the Rescue”
Show pride for our community heroes and understand bravery

“Ready, Set, Go”
Discover all the ways to get around town

“Rain, Rain Go Away”
A study of different types of weather

“Let’s Go Fly A Kite”
Explore outdoor fun at your local parks and beaches